- Accreditation
Meadowbank Family Doctors is accredited by the Foundation Standard.
A collaboration between the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners, PHOs and international colleges; the Foundation Standard was developed in 2013 as the standard for general practices. The programme requires the practice to provide evidence of meeting standards set by the College, followed by a reassessment cycle every three years.
Further details of the standard can be found here.
Practice Hours: 8am-6pm (Mon-Fri)
Phone: (09) 528 3446 (reception)
Address: 1st Floor, Meadowbank Shopping Centre, Cnr St Johns Rd & Gerard Way, Meadowbank, Auckland
PO Box 87-155 Meadowbank
Email: admin@
HealthLink code: mdbankfd
© 2020 Meadowbank Family Doctors