Book an Appointment
We offer both virtual and in-person consultations with all of our doctors and nurses, for both enrolled & casual patients.
Appointments can be made between the hours of 8:00am - 6:00pm (Mon-Fri).
There are two ways you can book an appointment with us:
(HEALTH 365)
Ph: (09) 528 3446
About our Appointments
Note: All consultations are by appointment only.
In-person Consultations
This is the traditional face-to-face consultation.
Virtual Consultations
If you would prefer a consultation while staying in the comfort of your own home or office, or if you have certain illnesses, we offer phone and video consultations on request. This will save you travel time and money, and help you rest and recover. Simply mention that you would like a 'virtual appointment' when booking with reception or online. Standard consultation fees apply.
Appointment Lengths
Our standard appointment length is 15 minutes, however your first appointment as a new patient is a double appointment, and charged accordingly.
Practice Hours: 8am-6pm (Mon-Fri)
Phone: (09) 528 3446 (reception)
Address: 1st Floor, Meadowbank Shopping Centre, Cnr St Johns Rd & Gerard Way, Meadowbank, Auckland
PO Box 87-155 Meadowbank
HealthLink code: mdbankfd
© 2020 Meadowbank Family Doctors